Episode 96 – Privacy: What’s the Big Deal

Undoubtedly, over the past several weeks, you’ve received countless emails from services ranging from Spotify to that restaurant in Ashburn, Virginia whose app you once downloaded to get 10% off their late night delivery, updating you on their new privacy policy. This was due to a little regulation recently passed into law by the EU called GDPR or General Data Protection Regulation.
It can be easy to get lost in the conversation about privacy but it is an important conversation to have. In fact, it is extremely relevant to our everyday lives. In a time when your every step is recorded trough your phone’s GPS and your voice is recorded by smart speakers or even your phone’s microphone, the question of who looks after our privacy becomes more crucial than ever.
Luckily for us, we have with us today Jules Polonetsky, THE go-to-guy when it comes to privacy. He is the CEO of the Future Privacy Forum, a non-for-profit think tank based in DC, that helps hundreds of companies by consulting with them on their privacy policies. The Forum is supported by AT&T, Google, Facebook, Microsoft and many other including corporations and foundations. Before his work at the Forum Jules served on boards of numerous privacy and consumer protection organizations, and he’s a regular speaker at privacy and technology events. He joins today to help us to understand if there’s anything left of our privacy.