Episode 41: The Wall Part II – The Other Side
For the last seventeen years, when people say ‘The Wall’ and ‘Israel’ in the same sentence, they’re usually referring to something very specific: A four-hundred-and-forty mile long barrier – some ninety-five percent of which is a sophisticated multi-layered fence, and some of which, especially in urban areas, is an imposing concrete wall. Seen from the Israeli side, this Fence/Barrier/Wall represents security, stability and safety. It allows us to calmly ride the bus, peacefully go out dancing, and – mainly – quietly sleep at night. Because it was, after all, born out of violence and carnage. People were getting killed often and daily. It was scary. And, as experts around the world agree, it has dramatically reduced terror. But when Israelis go to bed at night, there are other people – really close by – going to bed too. And from their perspective, looking out of their window, the same wall represents something different altogether. Not safety or security, but rather, lack of freedom.
Without getting into political polemics, in our episode today we meet some of those neighbors. Regular people, living in the shadow of a wall.
The original music in Eight Days a Week was composed, arranged, and performed by the Israel Story band led by Ari Wenig and Dotan Moshonov, together with Ruth Danon, Eden Djamchid and Ronnie Wagner-Schmidt. The end song is our band’s cover to the Arabic classic Foug el-Nakhal popularized in Israel by, among others, Dudu Tassa. Additional music by Blue Dot Sessions, Broke For Free, Podington Bear, Letter Box, and Turku, all licensed under Creative Commons.