Adam Milstein In Focus 2019
Watch Adam Milstein speak to the crowd at the StandWithUs’ 2019 Israel in Focus Conference in Los Angeles on March 3. Adam discusses why is it so important for today’s American Jews to stand up against antisemitism in the current climate – Jews must go on the offense against our detractors. his conference takes place at a tumultuous time for Israel, the pro-Israel community, and the world in general. StandWithUs – The challenges we face are immense, but so are the opportunities we have to positively share Israel’s story and proactively educate people everywhere. We believe education is the road to peace. The conference addressed anti-Semitism through incredible speakers such as Kenneth Marcus, Assistant Secretary of Education for Civil Rights, Gil Troy, Ken Stein, Erin Schrode, Hussein Aboubakr, Itamar Marcus, Gabe Groisman, Mayor of Bal Harbor (and incredible activist), Neil